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Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2. Contents. Executive summary. Video highlights. Mobile highlights. Regional highlights. Global business highlights. Overview of VNI methodology.

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Step 1: Number of users. Step 2: Application adoption. Step 3. Minutes of use. Step 4. Bit rates. Step 5: Rollup. 6. Step 6: Traffic migration assessment. Global IP traffic growth, 2.

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Definitions. 7. Consumer IP traffic, 2. Consumer internet traffic, 2. Definitions. 1. 0Web, email, and data. File sharing. 1. 0Internet video. Definitions. 1. 2Content delivery network traffic, 2. Consumer- managed IP traffic, 2.

Business IP traffic. Definitions. 1. 3Mobile data traffic. For more information. Annual global IP traffic will reach 3. ZB (ZB; 1. 00. 0 Exabytes [EB]) by 2. In 2. 01. 6, global IP traffic was 1.

ZB per year or 9. EB (one billion Gigabytes [GB]) per month. By 2. 02. 1, global IP traffic will reach 3. ZB per year, or 2. EB per month. Global IP traffic will increase nearly threefold over the next 5 years, and will have increased 1. Overall, IP traffic will grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 2. Busy- hour Internet traffic is growing more rapidly than average Internet traffic.

Busy- hour (or the busiest 6. Internet traffic increased 5. Busy- hour Internet traffic will increase by a factor of 4.

Internet traffic will increase by a factor of 3. Smartphone traffic will exceed PC traffic by 2. In 2. 01. 6, PCs accounted for 4. IP traffic, but by 2. PCs will account for only 2.

Smartphones will account for 3. IP traffic in 2. 02.

PC- originated traffic will grow at a CAGR of 1. TVs, tablets, smartphones, and Machine- to- Machine (M2. M) modules will have traffic growth rates of 2. Traffic from wireless and mobile devices will account for more than 6. IP traffic by 2. 02. By 2. 02. 1, wired devices will account for 3. Watch Lottery Ticket Online Fandango. IP traffic, while Wi- Fi and mobile devices will account for 6.

IP traffic. In 2. IP traffic at 5. 1 percent. Global Internet traffic in 2.

Internet in 2. 00. Globally, Internet traffic will reach 3.

GB per capita by 2. GB per capita in 2. The number of devices connected to IP networks will be three times as high as the global population in 2. There will be 3. 5 networked devices per capita by 2.

Accelerated in part by the increase in devices and the capabilities of those devices, IP traffic per capita will reach 3. GB per capita by 2. GB per capita in 2. Broadband speeds will nearly double by 2. By 2. 02. 1, global fixed broadband speeds will reach 5. Mbps, up from 2. 7. Mbps in 2. 01. 6.

It would take an individual more than 5 million years to watch the amount of video that will cross global IP networks each month in 2. Every second, a million minutes of video content will cross the network by 2. Globally, IP video traffic will be 8.

Internet traffic by 2. Global IP video traffic will grow threefold from 2. CAGR of 2. 6 percent. Internet video traffic will grow fourfold from 2. CAGR of 3. 1 percent.

Live Internet video will account for 1. Internet video traffic by 2. Live video will grow 1. Internet video surveillance traffic increased 7. Petabytes (PB) per month at the end of 2. PB per month in 2. Internet video surveillance traffic will increase sevenfold between 2.

Globally, 3. 4 percent of all Internet video traffic will be due to video surveillance in 2. Virtual reality and augmented reality traffic will increase 2. CAGR of 8. 2 percent.

Internet video to TV grew 5. Internet video to TV will continue to grow at a rapid pace, increasing 3.

Internet video- to- TV traffic will be 2. Internet video traffic by 2. Consumer Video- on- Demand (Vo. D) traffic will nearly double by 2. The amount of Vo. D traffic in 2. 02.

DVDs per month. Content Delivery Network (CDN) traffic will carry 7. Internet traffic by 2. Simpsons Episode Online Free Streaming more. Seventy- one percent of all Internet traffic will cross CDNs by 2. Globally, mobile data traffic will increase sevenfold between 2.

Mobile data traffic will grow at a CAGR of 4. EB per month by 2. Fixed IP traffic will grow at a CAGR of 2.

CAGR of 4. 6 percent. Global mobile data traffic will grow twice as fast as fixed IP traffic from 2. Global mobile data traffic was 7 percent of total IP traffic in 2. IP traffic by 2. 02.

IP traffic is growing fastest in the Middle East and Africa, followed by Asia Pacific. Traffic in the Middle East and Africa will grow at a CAGR of 4. IP traffic in North America will reach 8.

EB per month by 2. CAGR of 2. 0 percent. Monthly Internet traffic in North America will generate 1.

DVDs’ worth of traffic, or 4. EB per month. IP traffic in Western Europe will reach 3. EB per month by 2.

CAGR of 2. 2 percent. Monthly Internet traffic in Western Europe will generate 6 billion DVDs’ worth of traffic, or 2. EB per month. IP traffic in Asia Pacific will reach 1. EB per month by 2. CAGR of 2. 6 percent. Monthly Internet traffic in Asia Pacific will generate 1. DVDs’ worth of traffic, or 5.

EB per month. IP traffic in Latin America will reach 1. EB per month by 2. CAGR of 4. 2 percent. Monthly Internet traffic in Latin America will generate 2 billion DVDs’ worth of traffic, or 9.

EB per month. IP traffic in Central and Eastern Europe will reach 1. EB per month by 2. CAGR of 2. 2 percent. Monthly Internet traffic in Central and Eastern Europe will generate 4 billion DVDs’ worth of traffic, or 1. EB per month. IP traffic in the Middle East and Africa will reach 1. EB per month by 2. CAGR of 4. 2 percent.

Monthly Internet traffic in the Middle East and Africa will generate 3 billion DVDs’ worth of traffic, or 1. EB per month. Note:    Interactive tools are available for custom highlights and forecast charts by region, by country, by application, and by end- user segment (refer to the Cisco VNI Forecast Highlights tool and the Cisco VNI Forecast Widget tool). Business IP traffic will grow at a CAGR of 2. Increased adoption of advanced video communications in the enterprise segment will cause business IP traffic to grow by a factor of 3 between 2. Business Internet traffic will grow at a faster pace than IP WAN.

IP WAN will grow at a CAGR of 1. CAGR of 2. 0 percent for fixed business Internet and 4. Internet. Business IP traffic will grow fastest in North America. Business IP traffic in North America will grow at a CAGR of 2. In volume, Asia Pacific will have the largest amount of business IP traffic in 2.

EB per month. North America will be the second at 1. EB per month. The Cisco Visual Networking Index Forecast methodology has been developed based on a combination of analyst projections, in- house estimates and forecasts, and direct data collection.

The analyst projections for broadband connections, video subscribers, mobile connections, and Internet application adoption come from SNL Kagan, Ovum, Informa Telecoms & Media, Infonetics, IDC, Gartner, AMI, Verto Analytics, Ookla Speedtest. Strategy Analytics, Screen Digest, Dell’Oro Group, Synergy, com. Score, Nielsen, Maravedis, Machina Research, ACG Research, ABI Research, Media Partners Asia, IHS, International Telecommunications Union (ITU), CTIA, UN, telecommunications regulators, and others. Upon this foundation are layered Cisco’s own estimates for application adoption, minutes of use, and kilobytes per minute. The adoption, usage, and bit- rate assumptions are tied to fundamental enablers such as broadband speed and computing speed. All usage and traffic results are then validated using data shared with Cisco from service providers.

Figure 1 shows the forecast methodology. Figure 1.      Cisco VNI forecast methodology incorporates fundamental enablers of adoption and usage. Following is the methodology through each step for a single application category (in this case, Internet video) where the estimation process is illustrated. The forecast for Internet video begins with estimations of the number of consumer fixed Internet users. Even such a basic measure as consumer fixed Internet users can be difficult to assess, because few analyst firms segment the number of users by both segment (consumer versus business) and network (mobile versus fixed).