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How to Watch Todays Solar Eclipse Live, No Cable Required. Its finally here. The total solar eclipse that hasnt happened in the US since 1. But if you cant see it in person, dont sweat it. Gizmodo has got you covered. The total solar eclipse starts around 1. Pacific time and ends on the east coast around 3pm, with a partial eclipse on either end of that. The eclipse itself will last less than 3 minutes from any vantage point, but even if youre not one of the millions of people expected to flock to the path of totality to view it in person, you can still watch online thanks to this glorious invention called the internet. Scared Stiff Full Movie Online Free. Below we have livestreams on everything from You. Tube to Facebook to virtual reality. Watch The Germans Strike Again Online Hulu' title='Watch The Germans Strike Again Online Hulu' />Some of the streams even include a 3. So dont despair. Watching online also allows you to avoid permanent eye damage. Not to mention the fact that it lets you avoid having to be near other humans. You. Tube. There are plenty of different ways to watch the total solar eclipse on You. Tube PBS Newshour has a livestream of the solar eclipse on You. The Nintendo Switch exists, and is a fantastic gaming system that you can, in a pinch, play in a bar, a car, or on the train. Phones exist too, and the games on them. Talking with some fans, Riker himself, Jonathan Frakes, who also took a turn in the directors chair for an episode of Star Trek Discovery, shared an interesting. Find the latest business news on Wall Street, jobs and the economy, the housing market, personal finance and money investments and much more on ABC News. Its finally here. The total solar eclipse that hasnt happened in the US since 1979, and wont happen again from coast to coast until 2045. But if you cant. Ah, man, you see that up there The Volkwsagen autonomous concept caterpillar called Sedric Imaging hitting the road in this adorable little guy someday. The Future. Get the latest science news and technology news, read tech reviews and more at ABC News. Last year, Ryan Gosling told GQ that Harrison Ford punched him in the face while filming Blade Runner 2049. According to Ford himself, yup, it happened, its. Tube. NBC News has a livestream of the solar eclipse on You. Tube. And CBS News has its own stream of the solar eclipse on You. Tube. Time magazine also has a special 3. You. Tube from Casper, Wyoming that allows you to click and drag. Facebook. Gizmodo has a livestream on our Facebook. NASA is streaming the solar eclipse on its Facebookpage. Tangalooma Whale Watching Season'>Tangalooma Whale Watching Season. CNN is also livestreaming on Facebook. Twitter. Twitter is partnering with The Weather Channel to provide a livestream of the solar eclipse. Twitter has live shots from 1. Websites. Virtually every news outlet will also be streaming the solar eclipse on their websites, including NBC News, ABC News, and CBS News. Watch The Last Episode Of Charmed Online'>Watch The Last Episode Of Charmed Online. Watch The Germans Strike Again Online Hulu' title='Watch The Germans Strike Again Online Hulu' />Virtual Reality. CNN also has a virtual reality option that you can find on its website. If you have a VR headset, or even if you dont, there are different ways to watch in virtual reality over at CNN. In Person. And if youre watching live, youve no doubt heard the warnings. But theyre worth repeating. Dont stare at the solar eclipse directly. It will cause permanent damage to your eyes, and its no joke.