Watch The Walker Dailymotion
Watch The Walker Dailymotion' title='Watch The Walker Dailymotion' />Talkwalker User Manual Talkwalker. Overview. Admin User In addition to normal user rights, admin users can Create other users. Modify the profile and access level of users. Reset passwords of users. Change email addresses of users. Create new projects in the account within limits set by Talkwalker. Alerts Notification by email as soon as a given threshold of results is reached. Additionally, alerts can be used to schedule automatic sending of results or of other result visualisations. Automatic Sentiment See sentiment. Branding The entire Talkwalker can be white labelled in your corporate image. Before send report, make sure you already did bellow requirements. Refresh the page and try it again. Waiting couple minutes to make sure the video is completely load. Documentary about some of the greatest Adult Films made and the evolving technology in the genre. Buzz Shows the noise that search queries have generated online in the currently filtered time period, compared to the identical previous time period. Content Appreciation Displays how many times the Audience of a Facebook channel or a Twitter channel have Liked or Share Facebook or have Retweeted Twitter posts from the Monitored Channels. Watch Waking Life Online Forbes on this page. Dashboard Dashboards enable you to display in one place the representations of the results that are key to your project. If you only want to see the result articles, the sentiment produced by these results and the demographic spread of these, they can all be added to one dashboard. Demographics Information about the authorsource of a post. Demographics include country of publication, language and gender of the author. Engagement The engagement of an articlepost is the sum of actions made by others on that articlepost. The engagement of a topic is the sum of the engagement of all articlesposts of the topic. Engagement Rate is calculated in the following ways Facebook Engagement Rate Number of Likes Number of Comments Number of Shares by others Number of Fans 1. Twitter Engagement Rate Number of Retweets by others Number of Followers 1. Engagement is calculated in the following ways Blogs News Sites Forums Number of Facebook Likes Number of Comments on the article Number of Shares on Facebook of the URL Number of Tweets on Twitter of the URLFacebook Sum of Shares, Likes and Comments. Twitter Sum of the Retweets and Likes. Instagram Sum of Likes and Comments. Watch Water For Elephants Tube Free here. You. Tube Sum of the Likes, Dislikes and Comments. Vine Sum of the Likes, Re. Vines and Comments. H/x240-xKS.jpg' alt='Watch The Walker Dailymotion' title='Watch The Walker Dailymotion' />Pinterest Sum of the Likes, Pins, Re. Pins and Comments. Memorabilia Wardrobe Celebrity Hollywood Memorabilia, Television Memorabilia, Movie Memorabilia, Etc. Get the latest news from Bollywood, South Cinema the UAE. Reviews of new movie trailers, TV shows music. Trending showbiz news and celebrity gossip. Event An event is a specific period of time. Watch Uncle John Online Hoyts here. It thus acts are a filter on time. Talkwalker proposes pre defined events and user can create custom events. Filter A filter enable you to add further restrictions to your topics. Filters can either be keyword filters or filters based on metadata of results filter on sentiment, filter on media type,. Impressions The impressions of one tweet is the sum of the followers of the tweeter of the tweet. The audience impressions is the sum of the impressions of each tweet of the audience this includes retweetsInfluencer An influencer is an authora source that is writing about your topic. Top influencers are the ones who write the most about your topic most articlesposts, whose articlesposts reach the largest audience largest reach or the ones that generated the most virality largest engagementLocation Criteria The logic for country detection within the tool is the following Own list of URLs with associated countries custom madeThe language used in the post. Watch The Walker Dailymotion' title='Watch The Walker Dailymotion' />The IP address of the domain of the URLWith regards to Social Media platforms, we take in priority the location that is given by the respective Social Media API. If these are not given to us, we fall back to confirm the location with the above mention as is used in website country locations. Media Type Media in which the articlepost was published. Media types can be news and its sub categories, blogs, forums, social media networks, Channels Channels enable you to monitor specific channels without taking into consideration any keywords, meaning all data published on the channel will flow into the system. Channels can be social media pages Facebook pages, Twitter profiles, You. Tube channels, etc. Performance K M G The performance widget shows how the selected topics are being perceived and interacted with online via the buzz generated, engagement, potential reach and the proportion of the sentiment. For the KPI widgets, the following metric prefixes are used K Kilo 1,0. M Mega 1,0. 00,0. G Giga 1,0. 00,0. Project A project includes one or more topics, monitored channels and specific filters that are relevant to the monitoring of a brand or a company. The project also contains specific project settings, such as sources to include in the results, and user definitions. Reach The reach of an articlepost represents the number of people who were reached by this articlepost. Reach is calculated in the ways Blogs News Sites Forums The number of Monthly Unique Visitors. Facebook The number of Fans of the Page Note Only available for public pagesTwitter The number of Followers of the author. Instagram The number of Followers of the author. You. Tube The number of Views that the video has had. Vine The number of Followers of the author. RSS Also known as Really Simple Syndication this is a standard web format that is used by many websites to frequently publish information into. Talkwalker can have RSS links imported into it via the Channels section and can also export the results found in projects in the format of RSS. Search Query A search query is the technical translation of the keywords and phrases that you wish to search for. For some brands, search queries can be very easy Vodafone, for other brands Apple, they can be more complex. Search Syntax Terms and Operators which link together keywords in Search Queries to allow building of complex Queries. Please see Detailed Search Query Syntax for more information. Sentiment Sentiment that is associated with an articlepost. As default, a generic sentiment analysis is being calculated for each result based on our own sentiment analysis. All articlesposts are then attributed a positive, neutral or negative sentiment. Source A website, forum or social media site from which results are delivered and sourced from. Source Panel A list of sources which you wish to either restrict your results to, or stop results being delivered to your project from. Tag Tags can be used to categorise your posts with relevant markers throughout your project. These are custom identifies added to individual results to help you identify and group these results at a later time. The tags which have been added to the project can be managed in the Tags section of your project settings. Please refer to Tags for more information. Topic A topic contains the keywords and phrases you wish to search for within posts and articles, in the form of search queries. The first topic is usually your brand and subsequent topics are typically competitor brands. Trending Score The trending score evaluates the acceleration of the engagement on a specific story over time. Mentions which are rapidly getting more engagement get a higher score out of 1. The scores are categorised in the following way 0 3 the article is not trending or not trending anymore4 6 the article is slightly trending. Source Type Options. Media Source Types. ONLINENEWSAll news sites. ONLINENEWSMAGAZINEPrinted magazines online sites. ONLINENEWSNEWSPAPERPrinted newspaper online sites.